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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How to Quit Alcohol

Show of commitment to yourself and family
On those days that you just need a drink, you'll feel that you're letting them down. You could also spread the word around in your gang of friends, colleagues and relatives to create an extended network of supporters, as well as make yourself accepting of their approval.

Cold turkey
You suddenly think - enough! You can’t go on depending on alcohol. You decide to leave alcohol there and then!
It might be the culmination of days of thinking, or observing another alcoholic that creates an aversion to alcohol.
Cold turkey works great for weekend-drinkers and social-drinkers i.e. people who aren’t heavy alcoholics. However, this might be be fatal for people with a major dependency on alcohol. In such cases the person is advised to seek professional help.

Rehabilitation center
For the heavy drinkers, the medical supervision and aid at a rehabilitation centers may be the only safe way of quitting alcohol quickly. 

Learn to say no and make changes
Learning to say no to your friends or the boss or your girlfriend or the pushy colleague who invites you to drink might just be the bravest and the best thing you do in your mission to quitting alcohol. Don’t always be the yes-man! You might also think of making some lifestyle changes e.g. spending your weekends with your parents rather than in the club or on a romantic date with your girlfriend.

Fun ways to quit drinking
Who said quitting drinking always had to be painful?
Get into a relationship with someone intolerant of alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes.
Get broke and don’t ask for money
At parties, pour soda or other liquid in a cocktail glass and hold it in your hand and take sips from as if it's alcohol
Make a goal like running a marathon and sign up for a team in training.
Reward yourself with something really fancy like a watch or a new phone after your first dry week. Arrange a small party with your friends and parents to mark the milestone.

A long time alcoholic who suddenly stops drinking will experience physiological discomfort.
These feelings are known as withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms may vary from very light to extremely heavy, and depend on how long an individual has been abusing alcohol.

What happens to you once you quit alcohol? 
Acute withdrawal-the immediate effects: When a person who has been repetitively abusing alcohol suddenly stops, he might observe some of the following withdrawal symptoms :
  • Profuse sweating
  • Anxiety, irritability, tension and restlessness
  • Stomach ache and loss of appetite
  • Excessive Headaches
  • Hallucinations
  • Sleeplessness which might extend to more than 36 hours
  • Feeling thirsty all the time
  • Rapid heart beat  
  • Excessive shaking of hands
It is important to have someone to look after you during this period to provide the mental and physical support required to overcome this painful process. Excessive drinkers should quitting alcohol only under professional supervision.
Protracted withdrawal-the long term effects: This symptom is observed after the immediate effects of withdrawal have passed. Some withdrawal symptoms can linger for at least a year after discontinuation of alcohol.
Symptoms can include
  • Craving for alcohol
  • Inability to feel pleasure from normally pleasurable things
  • Clouding of sense organs
  • Disorientation
  • Nausea and vomiting or headache
  • Insomnia
The ex-drinker has to understand that most incidences of relapse during this phase occur due to insomnia. So if you observe a disturbed sleep pattern over a long period of time, resort to professional help.

What can be done to make the process easier?

The process of alcohol withdrawal is an excessively painful and hence difficult one. It is particularly so if you have been a long time user and have been physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol.
Following are some things you can do to overcome withdrawal symptoms.
  • Take up a routine: Joining a gym or a yoga club or just jog in the mornings, anything to take your mind off the sense of loss or the occasional craving you might feel for alcohol. You could also take up mediation.
  • Talk it out: Talk to someone. Talk to anyone in your life who can give you encouragement, support or practical help, such as family or friends – the people who love you and want to help you in any way that they can. You might be surprised at how supportive they can be.  If you feel like no one understands and you have no one to talk to about this, please know that there are many other people who do understand and can help you.  Remember, you don’t have to be alone in this.
  • Drink a lot of water and fruit juice: This might sound trivial, drinking a lot of water helps you recover a lot faster by detoxifying your blood stream of chemicals acquired through years of alcohol abuse. A recovering alcoholic should drink  between 4 and 5 liters of water a day. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Why You Must Run...

Running is one of the best forms of exercise, not only for getting fit but for weight control too. A 30-minute run, three to four times a week, trims your waistline, strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves muscle tone and definition and helps foster a positive mental attitude. Running can also be a great social activity. Here are the top 25 tips on why you should start running today.

1. Running is the quickest way to cardiovascular fitness. You get fitter faster by running regularly.

2. Running is one of the cheapest forms of exercising. You only need a pair of running shoes and shorts and T-shirt to get started.

3. Running is easy to learn. Most people have run at some point in their life, either competitively or at school/college, so there is no steep learning curve involved.

4. Running makes you feel good, not only physically, but mentally as well.

5. Running is excellent for reducing stress levels. There is nothing better than a run to clear your head and concentrate the mind. Many great ideas have been formulated on training runs.

6. Running is one of the most flexible methods of training around. Wherever you are in the world, it is nearly always possible to get out for a run. You can jog, steady run or sprint depending on how you feel that particular day.

7. Running is good for your heart. It not only strengthens the heart but also reduces the actual resting heart rate.

8. Running is accessible to all. As long as you are physically able, you can go for a run virtually anytime and anywhere. There are no race barriers to running.

9. Running helps you to lose weight and tone muscles. The more your train and run, the more weight you will lose. Also by toning up, you are getting rid of the excess fat and converting it to muscle.

10. Running is for people of all ages. Old or young, everyone can benefit from running.

11. It is good for your sex life! By being more physically active you increase your sex drive.

12. When run training, you can get away with eating chocolate and legitimately say it is part of your training program.

13. Running is a great way to recover from a hangover. A run will help clear your head faster than sitting around feeling terrible.

14. Running is a great safety aid. Being able to run away from people puts you in a much better position if you are chased.

15. You can use running to change other people's lives. Run for a charity and raise money to help the needy or less able.

16. Running with friends gives you time to catch up on gossip and get fit at the same time.

17. Running is a time-efficient way to get fit and lose weight so you have more free time after exercising to enjoy yourself.

18. Running is a challenge that can be motivational and bring great personal satisfaction.

19. Running is a great way to see a new place if you have limited time available for sightseeing. Just think how much more of a place you can see when running around it compared to walking.

20. Running improves your concentration as you are forced to concentrate more when running. This in turn improves your concentration when you have to focus in other areas of life.

21. You nearly always work better after a run because you are still on a runner's high and feel ready for anything.

22. Running is a great way to meet people, especially if you join a club or enter a race.

23. There are no monthly subscriptions with running. You just put your running shoes on and go.

24. Endurance built-up through running can be transferred to other sports.

25. If you drink alcohol you can just run a little bit further the next day to work off the extra calories.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Top 10 Ways to not Get Drunk while Drinking

Some people have the desire to drink but they dread its ill-effects.

They want to drink, but not get 'drunk'! Many people start misbehaving and pick up fight after drinking. This not only ruins their personal image but also creates nuisance for others. Also, this can have an adverse effect on your health. If you are one of those people who exercise self-control in the pub, here are 10 tips you can follow to stay sober and not let those drinks get onto your head and nerves. This can help you avoid you from those obnoxious hangovers, preventing you from becoming a “Stu, Alan, Phil or Doug”.

The best way to avoid getting drunk is to try to limit your alcohol consumption. Now, not all of us are good with self-restraint. In this case, make sure that you always drink in the company of some friends and ask one of them to stop you after you've drowned a certain number of friends.

Have protein or high fat snacks along with it. It might add some kilos to your weight but would surely help you minimise the ill effects of alcohol.

Make sure that you do not drink concentrated pegs. Dilute your drink and then enjoy it.

Do not drink with an empty stomach as it may lead to bad health. Before picking up the “glass” you must have eaten something before, otherwise you may get a bad feeling.

Here's another simple step. If you find it difficult to contain yourself when you your favourite liquor being served in a pub, then bring a limited amount of money with yourself!

Having a glass of warm water can help you get rid of intoxication.

Drinking orange juice before going to bed would help you avoid hangover the next morning.

Refrain from mixing different brands while drinking. Also, don't try and mix different types of liquor. Heard the saying: “beer before liquor, never been sicker; liquor before beer, you're in the clear”.
Another good idea is to have a glass of milk to line your stomach right before you start drinking. Once you are done with drinking, you can have another one. This way, people at your home, wouldn't feel your smell.

See if you can do with non-alcoholic drinks or you can have just one or two alcoholic drinks to be social when you go to a party or got out with friends. (

Alcohol as Home Medicine

In an October 2007 issue of the Phuket Gazette, I read of monks in Phuket who poured rice wine over a woman’s breasts, stroked them with a copper knife, and chanted spells.

All this to cure their patients. Not of congestion, or even breast cancer, but black magic. When these enterprising monks were interrogated, they explained that black magic resided in the chest area. Tiny metal pieces were found embedded in the accursed areas.
Read on to find out how to channel the powers of Rum and other booze to heal your body. Rum
Old Monk or Contessa. 
As an Indian, I can only recommend the two highest selling rum brands in our defence forces. (As an Indian, I’ll also have you know that the Bombay Prohibition Act of 1949 still recognises Rum, Brandy and Champagne as medicines!) Rum can be mixed with a bit of warm water. It’s not unmanly to add a bit of honey; it does taste very pungent otherwise.


Beer is a beneficial brew of good things. Antioxidants slows down aging, vitamin B6 cuts your chances of cardiovascular disease and hops, which flavor beer has many medical benefits, such as fighting cancer. The darker, the more bitter, the better.

Xanthumol comes from hops, and more hops makes beer darker and bitter.
Basic bodily processes get a bit subdued with age, and beer dilates blood vessels, and helps in sleep, urination, and preventing kidney stones.

Europe has seen a recent spurt of beer spas, where people soak in beer. However, a more pragmatic way to avail brewski benefits is to wash your hair out with it. After imbibing a bit, people usually tend to leave a few ml worth in their bottles. Collect the leftover beer, and rinse out your hair with it for the extra shine.


Ask your grandparents about this one. Most will swear by brandy as a bit of loving care in the treatment of cough, cold, and congestion. A spoon or so can warmly conquer a sore throat.

Coughs are of two categories: productive (which produces sputum/phlegm) or dry, hacking cough (in which your throat is dry, and you can’t cough up anything). The latter can be soothed a lot by a tablespoon of brandy with a bit of brandy. Add hot water, in case it’s unpalatable otherwise. Toothaches can be temporarily numbed by soaking cotton in brandy, and direct application. If you don’t have cotton, just hold in small amount, preferably over the painful spot for 30 seconds, and then spit or swallow (kids should spit it out)



The classic winter drink, a hot toddy is colloquially a whiskey, with honey, lemon juice and hot water. For an ounce of whiskey, add an ounce of honey and lemon juice and honey each, and 3 ounces of hot water. Since it is antiseptic, whiskey can also be dabbed onto wounds. Honey is sweet, warm and medicinal; it can be added to toddy made of rum or brandy as well. Like beer, whiskey also contains antioxidants, which are good you.
Red Wine
While it contains beneficial antioxidants, red wine is specifically known for its role in preventing the growth of cancerous cells. Even a 30 ml daily dose of red wine can improve cancer prognosis, notably in Esophaegal cancer, as well as overall immunity. Fresh red wine combined with a tablespoon of pink clay, a tbsp. of red can also be used as a face mask. Leave on for 15 minutes, and rinse off with a sponge and warm water as a treatment for greasy skin. Red wine contains reservetol, which reduces inflammation, arterial plaque, and lower abdominal fat deposits.

Alternative Uses of Beer

While we don't need scientists to tell us that drinking beer is good for your health, they still do.

It cuts your risk of having strokes, heart disease, increases HDL (good cholesterol) and anti-oxidants. It's also good for your blood - it reduces blood clots, and contains Vintamin B6 needed to make haemoglobin. You can also ease out kidney stones with beer and clean your stomach with the fiber content of malted barley - as much as 60% of daily recommended fiber in one liter. It even detoxes your liver, expanding your liver's small blood vessels and speeds up metabolism of toxins.


Heck, it even fights cancer - xanthohumol, found in beer hops helps your body break down carcinogens (chemicals that cause cancer)

However, for optimum beer nutrition, drink dark beer which has more flavanoids (natural oxidants that fight disease)

But apart from being accessory to a good a time, beer has a lot of other uses.

There's This dude in Quqiao village (in China), who even built solar-powered water heater out of old bottles, warming enough bathwater for his family of free. © stephen-oung
Setting Lotion for Hair

Before hitting the shower, mix 3 tablespoons beer in 1/2 cup warm water. Rub this into your hair after you shampoo and rinse it off to get volume, shine and some awesome waves.

Or, you can soak your hair in beer and then soak some sunrays for all-natural highlights in your hair.
Bubble Bath

Pour in into your tub for a bubble bath that's good for your skin and hair.
Tenderize Meat

Beer's slightly acidic pH level lets you enjoy lean meat without ripping and gnawing - it can tenderize the meat.

It's also better than wine- and vinegar-based marinades in not imparting too much flavor to the meat.

Another slightly obvious use of beer - beer's Lactoflavin and Nicotinic Acid content promote sleep. Hops too are a natural sedative.
Stomach Ache

Beer's fizz (carbonation) can sooth an upset stomach, and it's also a mild sedative when the pain is too much to bear (and you don't have a painkiller lying around) (

How vodka and wine makes hair and skin shine

London, July 18 (ANI): It is well known that a glass of red wine can be good for our hearts, but now it has emerged that the ingredients in our favourite alcoholic drink can be beneficial for our skin and hair too.

More and more beauty companies are incorporating extracts from popular drinks like champagne, beer, vodka, cider and wine into their formulations, and the following are the reasons why.

"The grape extracts from champagne provide antioxidant protection from the free radicals which can prematurely age skin," the Daily Express quoted Sarah Adam, beauty buyer for QVC Skincare, as saying of champagne.

"They also help balance out uneven pigmentation," she explained.

Where beer is concerned, the proteins from beer hops help add volume to hair, boosting shine and even stopping frizz.

"Hops can have antibacterial, astringent and toning properties on the skin too," skincare expert Esther Cooney explained.

Vodka on the other hand works to tone, brighten, cleanse and polish the skin, said Rowena Bird, co-founder and product inventor at Lush.

"It's often also used when creating perfume. It stabilises a perfume's scent," adds fragrance expert Michelle D'Vaz.

Next, cider helps to keep our hair clean from pollution by stripping away dirt.

"It can help clean away the build-up in hair caused by pollution and lime from hard water," Karine Jackson, organic hair colour specialist said.

"It's alcohol based so will strip the hair of impurities. Try it before you have a colour to clear out build-up," Jackson advised.

Wine, which is already beneficial for our hearts, is the most powerful antioxidant.

"Elements from the vine have amazing benefits," Professor Joseph Vercauteren, from Montpellier University of Pharmacy in France said.

"Grape seed polyphenols are the most powerful antioxidants in the plant world and protect the skin. Grapevine stalk (resveratrol) is a fantastic anti-wrinkle and firming ingredient for the skin. "Grapevine sap (viniferine) boosts radiance, prevents and corrects dark spots and gives a luminous complexion," he added.

60 ways to look young (and feel great)

'Beauty is what health and happiness look like on the outside,' Good Housekeeping told readers in 1916.

Our advice has changed little since because we've always extolled the fundamentals: The right diet, exercise and spirit promote long life - and keep you looking and feeling young. (Of course, a fabulous haircut, lipstick, and the right pair of jeans can't hurt, either.)
Here's the ultimate clock-resetting guide - beauty how-to and health must-do.

Mind your brain

These strategies will help keep you sharp-witted(and healthy, too!) throughout your life

Drink up

Your coffee, that is. Swedish and Finnish researchers found that moderate consumption of coffee (3-5 small cups a day) cuts the risk of dementia by 65 percent.

Get moving

Middle-aged women and men who exercise 5-6 times a week (brisk walking is okay) are far less likely to develop mild cognitive impairment later in life.

Check your numbers

High cholesterol in your 40s can up your chances of developing Alzheimer's later in life, researchers reported at a 2008 meeting of the American Academy of Neurology.

Also Keep an eye on

Your high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Low levels are linked to memory loss and dementia, a University College, London, study of 3,673 participants found.

Watch your weight

Obesity can increase the dementia risk by 80 percent, a Johns Hopkins, US, study found. Most dangerous: fat around your middle.

Be a groupie

Payoffs from having a circle of friends or people you see regularly at a club or other gathering:
Lower blood pressure
Delayed memory loss
Reduced risk of recurrent stroke and even the common cold

Save your skin

Choose the right products but follow through with some mustdos as well... Your chest is thin-skinned, making it susceptible to sun damage. to renew it, gently exfoliate regularly with a face scrub. Wear a hat that has at least a three-inch brim in order to shade your face. or carry a parasol. on cold days, give your face extra protection with a super-rich thick moisturiser. Use sunscreen with a minimum spf of 15 - no matter where you live or what your skin colour, use every day, whether it's winter or summer. and don't forget the after-sun face wash.

Keep an eye on your vision

Dark green leafy vegetables are prime sources of both lutein and zeaxanthin, plant pigments that protect your eyes from uv damage. make lettuce salads - and make sure spinach is on the menu, too.

Happy birthday!

Celebrating one of these milestones? Gift yourself new cosmetics and a new look. Move beyond the bare essentials.

Don't hold back - treat yourself to...

AT 30 tinted moisturisers, loose body powders and shimmers.
AT 40 lengthening mascara, eyelid primer.
AT 50 rosy blush, glowy foundation.
AT 60 shimmery shadow, hydrating lipstick.

Dress code

7 fashion tricks that will make you look younger-instantly

1. Try the new black - It's actually black and white; the combination makes you look sophisticated but still playful.
2. Experiment with a new trend - It updates your look and gives you a more youthful vibe.
3. Learn the power of shapewear - They can give you a sleeker line by invisibly smoothing the areas that bulge out a bit. A more supportive bra adds lift - and subtracts years.
4. Show some leg - Who said that once you're 40, hems should be below the knee? At the knee or just above is most flattering.
5. Skip the Mommy jeans - A dark wash, lower waist, and slimmer-cut jeans will give you the impression of legs you had in high school.
6. Go casual - A T-shirt under your jacket instead of a buttondown shirt, for example, can make you look younger.
7. Keep it in proportion - A slim pant, paired with a longer tunic, will take away years (and conceal extra pounds).

Go fish

For omega-3-rich sources. The fatty acids in these cold-water fish fight inflammation (precursor to heart disease, arthritis, diabetes) and boost mood.

Best high-in-fat:

Salmon (canned is fine)
RohuIf you can't find these fish, or your tastes are more turf than surf, then take fish oil supplements containing 500mg of EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid). Seven Seas Seacod and Maxepa are locally available brands. While you can get omega-3s from plant sources, they're in a form that don't give you similar protection.

Love lessons

A study conducted at Columbia and Yale Universities found that elderly women who named their husbands as their primary confidants had a reduced risk of dying over the next six years. Bonus: Their husbands lived longer, too.The give-and-take of couple-dom may help keep the neurons firing, say Scandinavian researchers whose study of 1,400 men and women found that people who live alone at mid-life are twice as likely to develop cognitive impairment later in life as against those who are paired up.

A hand up

Pure lemon juice is one of the finest things for the hands,' Good Housekeeping reported in 1897, foreshadowing today's fruit-acid craze. While citric acid remains a great slougher, here are two more smooth moves: To avoid chapping, always dry hands thoroughly and follow with a hand cream. Keep gloves in your kitchen and bathrooms, to protect your hands whenever you're washing or cleaning.

Build a better memory

Our ability to commit new information to memory - and then retrieve it when we need it - slows down over the years.

To minimise the decline:

Practise paying attention Forcing yourself to observe and recall the details of your day - which tie did your husband wear? Did the supermarket cashier have her hair up or brushed back - sharpens your memory, even if you never need the information.

Watch TV, or unwind in whatever way works for you - a long walk, a chat with a girl friend. Stress hormones (cortisol) may interfere with encoding and retrieving information; as you age, chronic elevated cortisol levels are linked to memory impairment.

Do crossword puzzles, or learn a new instrument or language. Mentally challenging activities build fresh connections in your brain, creating "cognitive reserves" that may protect memory later in life.

Shine on

'The price of a head of good hair is never ending vigilance,' warned Good Housekeeping in 1910. Today, thanks to new techniques and products, you can drop your guard but keep your looks.

1. Gray hair, which can be coarse, needs extra conditioning. Try hair products which soften hair. Hot oil treatments are still your best bet.
2. Hair becomes drier as you age; keep it healthy-looking with frequent trims and deep-conditioning.

A cut above

Ask your hair stylist for bangs. They look young and fun, and hide forehead lines.Make waves. Stick-straight hair can look severe (read: older); gentle curls soften the contours of your face.

Short cuts create the illusion of more hair. If you prefer to keep your hair long, add face-framing layers for a subtle lift.

A la smart menu

'Proper diet? will tend to ward off diseases,' Good Housekeeping said in 1919. Today, research has identified specific foods that can help you stay healthy and happy:? Berries of all hues are rich in antioxidants. They combat chemicals that can cause cell-damage and chronic inflammation. Spinach and other dark leafy greens deliver Vitamin K, which strengthens bones. Red wine contains resveratrol, an antioxidant, inflammation-deterrent, and artery-protector. Curd and other dairy products are a terrific source of bone-building protein and calcium.

In a Japanese study conducted recently, eating 1/4 cup of curd a day led to a 50 percent reduction in tooth loss, possibly because of the probiotics in curd. Whole grains can protect against diabetes, heart disease, stroke, colon cancer, and gum disease. Dark chocolate helps keep your arteries functioning well. But have no more than 42gm a day. Too much will pack on the heartdamaging kilos.

Keeping lips luscious

Whatever your challenge - dryness, shape - there is a solution.

Lift droopy corners, apply a basic colour first, then go over the centre of lips with a slightly deeper shade.Prevent the lipstick from melting away into lines. Use a pencil to line lips before you apply lipstick. Then, avoid too-creamy or glossy formulations, which tend to migrate or melt into those lines.

Soften your pout. Gently rub a warm, damp washcloth over your lips to slough dead skin. Follow with a balm.

What's so funny about that
A University of Maryland, US, research found that laughing can increase blood flow by 22 percent and may protect against heart problems. It also relieves stress.

As the crow's(feet) fly

In 1931, Good Housekeeping referred to them as those "hateful little lines," and advised - as a deterrent - avoiding 'visual strains of all kinds,' including 'lack of glasses when they are not needed.' Besides not smoking, here's how you can minimise the dreaded crinkles:
After you've washed your face, pat around your eyes to dry the delicate skin - rubbing stretches it.
Even if you have oily skin and don't use a face cream, moisturise around your eyes twice a day. Apply moisturiser with your ring finger; it's your weakest one and thus least likely to cause damage to your eyes, or result in wrinkles.

Master your metabolism

You'll reverse middle-aged spread - and help keep your body slim and strong for years to come. Shed pounds slowly Crash dieting leads to greater loss of metabolism-boosting muscle. A fast-like diet will drop the average woman's metabolic rate by at least 25 percent.

Pump iron
Adding weight training to your cardio routine helps you avoid losing the 2.3kg muscle that otherwise disappear every decade, simply from getting older.
Switch it up
Trying different routines keeps muscles from getting bored - they have to work in new(challenging) ways.

4 Eye-Openers

1. Curl your lashes.
2. Cover dark undereye circles without telltale chalkiness - apply powder foundation in a shade that matches your skin tone to the darkened areas, then pat with a damp sponge.
3. Liner trick - choose a creamy eyeliner pencil. Hard pencils can pull at delicate skin.
4. Because of its texture, the skin around your eyes looks youngest with just a bare minimum of setting powder.

Top 6 low-intensity workouts

Water workout

Taking to the water can provide a great workout and be ideal for people who are just starting out in fitness or working their way back after an injury. There are a variety of options, from a full aqua aerobic session to sessions consisting of walking on underwater treadmills – really it’s all about being active, but in the water.
The water supports your bodyweight (up to 85 per cent of it), minimizing the impact on your joints, making it suitable for people of any age, size or fitness level. The number of calories burnt is dependent on the depth of the water – the deeper the water, the more calories you will burn as more energy is required to push your body mass through water. On average, a half hour session in the water will burn around 200 calories – and even more should you add additional weights to your body.


At first sight, Tai Chi may not appear as the most taxing of workouts, yet the flowing
succession of slow and graceful movements can be a great calorie burner. Tai Chi is as low impact an exercise as you will find, yet a half hour session can burn on average 140 calories.
When done correctly, Tai-chi raises the heart rate significantly (to approximately 60 per cent of maximum) – enough to be classed as moderate exercise. In addition to the calorie burn, there are other benefits including improved strength, flexibility, concentration, and balance. And best thing of all is that Tai Chi can be done almost anywhere, anytime.

Get your skates on

In-line skating provides a great low impact workout which some studies have suggested provides the same level of aerobic activity as running or even riding a stationary bike. The calorie burn will depend on your size, the effort you put in, and the route you take, but it is estimated that half an hour skating could burn in excess of 200 calories.
Inline skating develops muscles in the entire upper leg, rear end and hip, as well as the lower back. Muscles in the upper arms and shoulders are also developed when arms are swung backwards and forwards while skating and you can increase your calorie burn just by swinging more vigorously.


Swimming provides a great cardiovascular workout and is suitable for all due to the fact that it is non-load bearing with the water cushioning your joints as you swim. Breaststroke is the lowest intensity stroke and as such burns fewer calories – around 180 calories for a half hour session – but it’s a stroke that generally enables you to swim for longer and therefore burn more calories from a longer session.
Breaststroke expands the lungs, works the chest muscles and inner thigh, shoulders, triceps, legs and hamstrings – and some even swear it increases the size of your breasts! If you wish to swim other strokes to increase your calorie burn then half an hour of swimming burns the following: freestyle/front crawl – 300 calories; backstroke – 240 calories; and butterfly – 450 calories.


Not only is yoga great for improving your strength, flexibility, muscle tone and reducing stress, it’s also a great calorie burner. Consisting of a series of deep-breathing exercises and ‘poses’ which are held for a set period of time, these can be adapted to suit  any fitness level. A typical half hour session will burn around 200 calories.
And the great thing is you can do a yoga workout with working up too much of a sweat which is great if you are really pushed for time. If you want try yoga of greater intensity to burn even more calories, then consider options like Bikram Hot Yoga, Power Yoga or Zero Gravity yoga.


Quite simply the easiest and most accessible form of workout is walking. Without the joint jarring that occurs when running, walking is a workout that can easily be fitted into your daily routine or added as a leisure pursuit during your free time. You can happily choose the intensity to work at which suits you.
If you are not used to a walking workout, then start with a short distance and walk at a pace that suits you. You can easily crank up your speed and distance for improved calorie burn count. The number of calories burned will depend not only on your size, but also the speed you walk and the route you take. As an example, an average sized woman walking on a flat route at around 3mph will burn around 150 calories.
Note: calorie burn figures are approximate as they are dependent on bodyweight, the intensity of the workout, routines or routes followed and individual’s fitness level.

Forget gym, now burn calories by sexercise!

Forget running on treadmills or hitting expensive gyms to shed those extra pounds, as now a cheaper way to lose calories has emerged in the form of - sexercise.

A study has revealed that, women are more inclined to have sex after a long day if they think it will help them lose weight.

couple_sexercise_430Research showed that 76 percent of women are more inclined to weave the nocturnal workout into their routines if they think they will burn calories.

And almost two thirds of women who do own gym memberships said they were happier to carry out such activities as having sex and even doing the vacuuming if they thought it would burn as many calories as a traditional workout.

According to Kerry McCloskey's book, 'The Ultimate Sex Diet', a half-hour session of lovemaking will burn about 150 to 250 calories, and even up to 350 calories, depending on just how active you are.

Simply kissing for an hour burns over 200 calories - equivalent to three HobNob biscuits.

"We are burning calories constantly as we go about our day to day business," the Daily Mail quoted Darren Linnell, creator of Aspire drinks who commissioned the survey, as saying. "It's about being aware of the small things we can do to give us that extra boost," he stated.


IF "I'm feeling tired" has become a part of your daily dialogue with people, then you need to stop and take stock.

While everyone’s energy level does flag at different times of the day and month, if you feel sapped all the time and keep hoping that a cup of coffee will revive you, you may need to head to the doctor’s clinic. We tell you about the four most common reasons for fatigue.

tired-fatigue_430# 1 HEART TROUBLE

THERE’S no getting away from the connection between heart disease and fatigue. Studies of heart attack survivors show that up to 70 per cent of them reported an unusual fatigue in the weeks before the attack took place. This can be attributed to unusually clogged arteries which inhibit the circulation. While men who complain of tiredness are generally sent off to the cardiologist for tests, women’s complaints are typically ignored. Yet there is a stronger association between cardiac disease and tiredness in females than in men.


After some basic tests such as cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar, your doc may recommend an exercise stress test or angiogram. If you have symptoms such as shortness of breath and indigestion, a CT scan or echocardiogram may also be called for.


MIDDLE-AGED men and women are often struck by an under-active thyroid. Located at the base of the neck, the thyroid gland produces hormones T4 and T3, and in mid-life, may slow down the production. Consequently, the other processes in the body also slow down. Weight gain, feeling cold, constipation, dry skin and hair fall are other symptoms of a sluggish thyroid.


Blood tests for levels of T4 and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). High TSH plus low T4 is a sign of chronic hypothyroidism.
Even if your TSH is on the higher side despite T4 being normal, this signals hypothyroidism.


CHRONIC fatigue often results when the body’s supply of iron is depleted. This can happen if you are a vegetarian, work out too much or have a stomach bug that eats away at your nutritional stores. It can happen to women when they are menstruating or pregnant or even breast feeding. Other symptoms of anaemia include abnormally pale skin, a fast heartbeat and a feeling of irritability. Fluctuating sugar levels caused by diabetes or can also cause fatigue.


A haemoglobin test will reveal your blood iron level, and blood sugar tests both fasting and two hours post breakfast will show how well your body is metabolising sugar.


LIVER damage by a virus may be the reason for your persistent fatigue. So if you’ve ever had a blood transfusion, any history of cocaine use through a straw, or an abnormal liver function test, do consider the idea that you may be harbouring the hepatitis C virus. Other symptoms are a diminished appetite, fever, aches and other flu- like symptoms that occur soon after infection, though the tiredness can set in even twenty years later.


Get your liver function tests done. A blood test for hepatitis C antibodies is also called for.

10 brain-boosting superfoods


Berries are rich in antioxidants and are thought to help build healthy connections between brain cells. Blueberries are widely considered to be one of the healthiest foods around - these sweet little bursts of goodness are also rich in fibre, which helps improve your cardiovascular system as well as your brain.

Dark chocolate

It's true - chocolate can be good for you! Dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa) has plenty of brain-boosting compounds, is rich in antioxidants and has just the right amount of caffeine to keep you alert. It also sends your serotonin skyrocketing, so you can stay happy during those long, boring days in the office.


This fiery staple of Indian and Thai cuisine often contains potent spices that are known to reduce inflammation. On top of this, animal studies have shown that curcumin - curry's active ingredient - is effective at clearing away proteins called amyloid plaques, which can cause serious brain problems.

Broccoli and other green vegetables

Former U.S. president George W. Bush may have been vocal in his hatred of this much-maligned foodstuff, but it is known to increase brain power. Broccoli and other green vegetables such as kale, cabbage and brussels sprouts are filled with antioxidants like vitamin C, as well as brain-protecting plant compounds called carotenoids.


Seeds such as pumpkin seeds contain lots of brilliant mind-boosting minerals like zinc and magnesium.

Wholegrain foods

Eating a diet rich in whole grain foods is proven to increase cognitive function. One recent study found that women who increased their intake of folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 (all of which are found in whole grains) were significantly better at recalling information than those who did not.


Avocado is rich in Vitamin E - an important antioxidant for maintaining a healthy brain.
Green and black tea

Green and black tea

A fresh-brewed cup of tea is a rich source of catechines (antioxidants), which are great for boosting your brain. However, tea does of course contain caffeine, so avoid drinking more than two to three cups a day.


Staying hydrated is vital as every cell in your body needs water to thrive. Studies show that people who are well hydrated score significantly better in tests of brainpower, compared with those who aren't drinking enough.

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